Join the Free Falling KAL!
Three days of 2017 left and three days until the Free Falling KAL starts!
Join me in my Ravelry group (seizure warning) to knit a multi-color cowl with lots of different textures and stitch patterns. The rules are simple!
KAL begins on: January 1, 2018
KAL ends on: January 31, 2018
Tag your project(s) with freefallingKAL
Knit a Free Falling cowl in January 2018 and post a photo of your finished cowl(s) in the FO thread on Ravelry before February 2. Multiple entries welcome!
Each week I will draw one winner from the Ravelry chatter thread (must be a member of the group) and one winner from Instagram (use the hashtag #freefallingKAL) to receive one free pattern from my Ravelry store. Winners will be drawn on Sundays (Jan 7, 14, 21, and 28).
At the end of the KAL I will draw one winner from the FO thread to receive the main prize: a hand-sewn project bag (made by me!) + a free pattern. The winner will be drawn on Friday February 2, 2018. I'll choose the fabrics and colors based on the winner's tastes but it will look something like this.

Have you grabbed a free copy of Free Falling yet? There's still time! Join my mailing list and I'll send you a Ravelry coupon code for the cowl pattern. The pattern is also available on Payhip and LoveCrafts.
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