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You Can't Just Knit All Day! 10 Activities You Can Do in (Self) Quarantine

Being stuck at home for a couple of weeks (or months?) with nothing to do but knit and watch Netflix in your jammies all day might seem like the perfect respite from all this craziness that's going on in the world right now. And it is — for a while. But slouching on the couch too long you can start to feel a little vegetative. Here's 10 other yarny activities you can do in quarantine.

You Can't Just Knit All Day! 10 Yarny Things to Do in (Self) Quarantine

1. Organize your stash

We've all put off doing it when there's "more time". Now there is! Pull out your stash and take a good, hard look at what you love, what you definitely want to knit with, and what could use a better home elsewhere (once the outbreak is over, of course).

When you've culled your stash it's also less of a chore to take photos of everything and list it all on Ravelry. Do it in chunks and spread the task over a few days if it's too much to take on at once.

2. Organize your queue

Same thing goes for your Ravelry queue. Seasons, moods, and fashions change, and something you queued a couple of years ago might not seem that appealing any more. I've got a lot of those "what the heck was I thinking?" moments when going through my queue. I'm so glad you can't order your queue by date — I'm sure some of the stuff in there is from a decade ago! 🙈

3. Get rid of WIPs

If this pandemic has thought us anything is that life's too precious to waste. Pull out your works-in-progress and give them a thorough investigation. Do you really want those socks that never got past the heel? Or that cardigan from two years ago that's woefully out of style? Rip them out! Save the ones you love, Marie Kondo style.

4. Pattern stalking

By now you should have a clearer picture of what's in your stash that's calling for the right project. Do an advanced pattern search on Ravelry and pair your faves with a pattern you can't wait to cast on.

5. Cast on all the things!

Nothing cheers you up like casting on a new project, right? And you've probably liberated a few needles? Go on, do it — you're allowed!

6. Learn a new skill

Now's also a great time to pick up a new knitting skill or that technique you've put off learning. Steeking? Colorwork? Brioche? You name it.

Bluprint offers a ton of online resources for knitting. YouTube probably has a video of that technique you want to try out. You can also check out my Pinterest board for Advanced Knitting Tutorials.

7. Support your fellow makers

Many small business are suffering from the pandemic lockdown procedures. Now's a great time to show your support to your favorite local indie dyers, or finally try that dyer who's yarns you've been stalking on Instagram. (I can't be the only one, right?) Their livelihood may depend on it. And if you're not in the position to help them financially, send them your love and encouraging messages.

8. Catch up on podcasts

I hoard podcasts. They're the best companion to take along on a walk... or just folding laundry. I have so many podcasts on my subscription list that's not even funny. Currently my playlist is at 50+ hours... that's a lot of listening! A lot.

If you should run out of podcasts to watch and listen, check out this amazing alphabetized list of active fiber podcasts. Into something grittier? Vulture has an article on the top 10 best true-crime podcasts of all time.

9. Join a knitalong

Lots of designers are hosting KALs and mystery KALs at this time to keep our minds busy on other things than the impending doom. The best ways to learn about new KALs is to check the Ravelry groups KAL Fanatics and, for mystery knitalongs, Upcoming Mystery-along Calendar. You might even find a few new friends there!

10. Host a virtual knit night

Which leads me to the last item on the list. You might not be able to meet your knitting buddies in real life but at least we have the technology to stay connected. I've probably watched more Insta lives just this week alone than ever before, combined. Ravelry now has a section on online events — you might find something on the list you want to join.

And if you don't... why not host something yourself? Zoom seems to be the platform of choice for many people but there are others: check out this list of six best free video-conferencing apps and host an online-only virtual knit night (or VKN for short).

What are your best tips for coping with the isolation? Let me know in the comments! And wash your hands!


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You Can't Just Knit All Day! 10 Activities You Can Do in (Self) Quarantine

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About the author

Susanna Winter is a knitwear designer, creating timeless and elegant pieces with clean lines. She has been knitting for over 20 years, knit blogging since 2007, and designing knitting patterns professionally since 2016.

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