Wrapping Up 2022
At the end of the year it's customary to take stock of the previous 12 months. Here's a recap of my knitting life in 2022.
In the year 2022, I completed 24 projects and knitted 11.4 kilometers (around 12,500 yards) of yarn. On average one project took 5.2 months to complete and consumed 495 meters (or 540 yards) of yarn. But that's not the whole picture.

In 2022, my biggest and slowest project was actually crocheted! I completed the Faith CAL blanket I'd started the previous fall. That took 3,725 m (approx. 4,000 yd) of yarn and over 10 months to make.
The largest knitted project in terms of yardage was Fuzzy Logic with 945 m (1,033 yd). The project that took longest was the Rockweed cardigan that I'd already started in November 2021. That took 130 days (over 4 months) to knit.
Both the smallest and fastest knits were beanies but not the same project. The fastest one — taking just 2 days to knit — was the yellow sample of the Sunset Slouch hat. The smallest with 161 m (176 yd) was the Emergency Exit beanie, a hat made with the first 6 charts of the Fair Isle Advent MKALendar.
In 2022, I released 8 self-published knitting patterns, two of which were mystery knit-alongs:
3 garments (Rockweed, Tulip Route, and Fuzzy Logic)
2 accessories (Sunset Slouch and Fair Isle Advent MKALendar, which is actually three accessories in one pattern)
2 pairs of socks (Wintermint Socks and Forgotten Memories)
and 1 shawl (Smoke and Mirrors)
In addition, two of my shawl designs were published by third parties. Tahniah (on the left) is a crescent-shaped three-color shawl designed for and available from Rosy Green Wool. Talviminttu (Wintermint Shawl, on the right) is a textured asymmetrical triangle shawl published in the 2022 TAITO Christmas magazine. It will available for individual purchase in February next year.
In 2022, I wrote 26 blog posts (including this one). The most-read blog post was...
Rowing Out: What Is It and How to Fix It? (published April 2022) with 3K views.
The joint second place goes to How to Knit Colorwork Inside Out (December 2022) ...
and Join the Fair Isle Advent MKALendar (November 2022), both with 2.2K views.
The third most-popular blog post was How to Knit a No-slip SSK Decrease (February 2022) with 2K views.
The longest blog post with over 13K characters, 2.4K words, and a reading time of 9 minutes was How to Add Waist Shaping to Top-Down Sweaters. Wow, that's got to be my most verbose blog post yet!
How was your knitting year 2022? Got big plans for 2023? Let me know in the comments!
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